5 Course Landing Page Examples To Learn From

Course landing page examples hero image

Are you struggling to convert visitors into buyers of your course? Need some landing page inspiration for your course business?

Look no further. We’ve got you covered. In this guide, we look at course landing page examples that can serve as a reference for your landing page.

Common objections

Struggling to convert visitors into buyers of your course? Need some landing page inspiration for your course business?

Price: Can I afford this?

Time: Will I have enough time to complete this?

Relevance: Will this course help me with my goal of X? (writing, growing social media brand, etc.)

Difficulty: Do I need to know something before taking the course?

Credentials: Can I trust the course to be high-quality?

Key elements of a course landing page

Struggling to convert visitors into buyers of your course? Need some landing page inspiration for your course business?

Benefits: Focus on the benefits of the course and how the course will improve the user's lives by XYZ.

Reassurance: Let users know of any prerequisite knowledge, if any, to take the course. Also, showcase your credentials to teach the topic.

Social proof: Education spreads fast via word of mouth. Focusing on how other people have found the course is essential.

1. Ship 30 for 30

Ship 30 for 30 landing page

Headline: Start Writing Online in 30 Days

Subheadline: Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based course that has taught over 7,000 students the fundamentals of writing on the internet

CTA: Click here to enroll now

Website: Ship 30 for 30

Ship 30 for 30 starts its landing page with an explicit promise - you will learn to write online within 30 days. The subheadline then describes the course while cleverly integrating credibility by telling you the number of students that have used the course - 7000 students, definitely not small boy numbers!

Unfortunately, they’ve placed their call to action below the fold - a criminal mistake. The call to action text is clear on a high-contrast background that draws your attention.

More social proof is built with a powerful testimonial section, with testimonials from Alex Lieberman and Alice Lemee.

Scrolling down further, you’re met with several sections of well-crafted copy highlighting the product’s benefits, explanations of how it works and more social proof.

2. The Operating System (Justin Welsh)

The Operating System - Justin Welsh landing page

Headline: Go From Undiscovered to Growing & Monetizing Your Linkedin Account.

Subheadline: Join 30 LinkedIn Top Voices & 15,000+ students growing their LinkedIn accounts. The exact system I used to go from 2k to 430k+ followers and $4.2M+ in income.

CTA: Get instant access for $150 →

Website: The Operating System

Justin Welsh starts off this landing page with a fantastic headline. In a single sentence, It highlights the problem “undiscovered” and describes the outcome “monetising your LinkedIn account”.

The subheadline builds on the solid headline by subtly interweaving social proof, authority bias and price anchoring to engage readers into considering the product’s benefits.

Underneath the subheadline is the call to action for the page. A well-crafted message that creates a sense of urgency includes price transparency and uses action-orientated language. It’s becoming apparent why 4.2M of income has been generated by this business!

Further down the page is a wall of testimonials - a little too long for my liking but nonetheless provides social proof to the user. Followed by sections explaining the product, FAQs and pricing.

3. Productize Yourself

Productize Yourself landing page

Headline: Productize Yourself

Subheadline: How to make $25,000 per month by productizing what you’re good at.

CTA: Get it now 25% off

Website: Productize Yourself

Productize Yourself has a bold statement headline, fitting for a course targeted towards designers. The language appeals to people in the industry. The average person coming across this will likely have no idea what productize yourself means. This shows good awareness of the brand's target audience.

The subheadline is cutely placed inside the headline with a high-contrast colour to highlight the outcome of earning $25,000 per month. The copy is also attention-grabbing. It's concise, describing an outcome that everyone in the space wants to achieve.

The following section is a letter that builds authority with visitors. The creator of the course talks about his journey to success. The landing page then builds its trustworthiness with several testimonials.

4. 10x Designers

10x Designers landing page

Headline: Become a 10x Designer

Subheadline: Expand your design skillset through live workshops and a-sync lessons, connect with like-minded individuals and have direct access to industry professionals.

CTA: Start your journey

Website: 10x Designers

The headline for 10x Designers focuses on the outcome and uses language that appeals to its target audience. It's followed by a subheadline that clearly describes the product's features, explaining the value proposition. The hero section is well-designed, something you'd expect from a design course.

Beneath the call to action is a section that builds credibility and trustworthiness by showcasing the companies where the course's students work. With references to the biggest tech companies, this does a great job of providing social proof.

The remainder of the landing page describes the product's features and benefits, with great visuals and animations being used.

5. How to Build a SaaS

How to Build a SaaS landing page

Headline: Learn How To Build a SaaS Product From Scratch

Subheadline: 25+ hours of content teaching you everything from authentication, design, payments, security and more.

CTA: Enroll Now

Website: How to Build a SaaS

The headline clearly describes the outcome of buying the product. The subheadline highlights key product features, letting visitors know what they're getting.

The hero section has a well-made short video that goes on to explain the product in more detail.

The section below the call to action does a fantastic job of handling potential users' objections, calling out what the course provides and doesn't.

The remainder of the landing page focuses on laying out the course curriculum, testimonials and pricing.

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