SpendLight - landing page audit

Company Name: SpendLight

Industry: Fintech

Product: Spending journal

Business Model: SaaS

Customer: B2C

Date Reviewed: 24 Jul 2023

Link: SpendLight

SpendLight landing page screenshot 0

5-second usability test

SpendLight scores well in the 5-second usability test. I remembered the key facts of the website.

What product does this website offer?

  • A budgeting tool
  • The word journal makes me think it’s about writing about my finances - changing my approach to finance

What is unique about the service?

  • A different way to think about finances

Above the fold

SpendLight section: above the fold


"Rewire your spending habits."

  • Not sure what that means, how do I rewrite my spending habits? Is that possible? The headlines leaves me with several questions.


"SpendLight is the only spending journal that helps you understand and improve your spending behaviour."

  • The only spending journal - this is the first spending journal that I've heard of, makes me question the trustworthiness of the product. Grandiose statements are always met with suspicion.
  • The closest mental model I have to this product is a budgeting app. So while I'm on the page, I'm subconsciously asking - how is this different to a budgeting app?

Call to action

"Try the Demo"

  • A good call to action!

Hero image

  • It's not clear how the product works from the image.
  • I would focus on the decision-scoring system - remove the "+ Add Record" button and give more space to showcase the different types of decisions.

Section: How it works

SpendLight section: how it works
  • Good section. Clearly explains what the product is and how it works.
  • Good use of interactive elements.

Section: Our unique, brain-rewiring approach

SpendLight section: our unique brain rewarding approach
  • This section is feature heavy. I would try implementing more benefits, such as “save more money”.
  • The headline could be improved. It doesn’t speak to me as a user, brain-rewiring approach - sounds grandiose, which puts me off.
  • Something like “Change your relationship with money” will be more effective, concise and straightforward, and meaning is not lost.

Section: Call to action

SpendLight section: call to action
  • This call to action could be improved. There is no reason why I should join. Something like - “Start your new relationship with your money today” gives me a reason to consider signing up.
  • Replace “Sign up” with an action word - “Create your journal.”

Section: Trust and safety

SpendLight section: trust and safety
  • The sentence “our approach may not be conventional” needs rewording. I understand what you’re getting at, but it doesn’t read well on the first read.
  • This section is quite text-heavy. I would break it up with some design (cards, images,. etc.)

Section: Pricing

SpendLight section: pricing
  • Not a fan of - “We think our spending journal is a bargain at any price”. I instantly push back against this, "Well, of course, you're going to say that".
  • I really like the free plan. It'll make a good lead magnet for future marketing. The lack of sign-up is good, but it means you're missing out on collecting emails.
  • The creative names for each plan are excellent.
  • I didn't notice the quarterly pricing at first. We're preconditioned to see monthly and annual pricing plans. I would draw more attention to this. Also, most people budget monthly. I'm now having to do maths, "What's a quarter of 15"? I would display the monthly price and state it's billed quarterly.


While there is room for improvement with SpendLight’s landing page, I think the landing page effectively sells the product. I understand the value proposition - change your relationship with money with a spending journal.

I think some of the language could be more simple and direct so I don’t have to think while on the page.

Having a trust and safety section is good at installing trust with users. You can go a step further by adding some social proof.

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