Tripledesign - design agency landing page audit

Company Name: Tripledesign

Industry: Design

Product: Subscription design agency

Business Model: SaaS

Customer: B2B

Date Reviewed: 19 Jul 2023

Link: Tripledesign

Tripledesign landing page screenshot 0

5-second usability test

Tripedesign scores well in the 5 second usability test. I remembered the key facts of the website.

What service does this website offer?

  • A design agency
  • Monthly subscription fee

What is unique about the service?

  • Easy to read and understand
  • Monochromatic design stood out
  • Clean design, good use of whitespace

Above the fold

Tripledesign section: above the fold

Navigation Header

Looks great! I can only think of changing the link "Work". It could be more descriptive - "Previous Work", "Our Work", "Our Previous Work".


"A design subscription agency you can trust."

This is a good headline. It clearly states what the service is - a design subscription agency. The second part of the headline, "you can trust", is a good start at building trustworthiness with consumers, but it needs to be backed up with social proof/testimonials.


"Tripledesign is the only design agency you'll ever need. Seriously. With a simple monthly fee you get access to premium, high quality design."

I think the subheadline could be improved. It does the job, but I don't think it adds more value than the headline. Given the price point of $2,500/month, there are going to be several objections that need to be handled. The subheadline is an excellent place to address 1 or 2 objections. An example subheadline - "We take the pain out for design so you're free to focus on making your customers happy", addresses the objection, "Why do I need to pay $2,500/mo for a designer?".

Hero image/video

The hero image is catchy. It captures my attention well. The pen looks like the pen tool used in design software, i.e. Photoshop, so I connect with the image. Even though the image works well, I think adding some colour would make it pop, adding visual interest to the page. Visual interest is essential for this page, as Tripledesign is a design agency.

Section: Our recent work

Tripledesign section: our recent work

A few technical details could be cleaned up in this section. The button "View full project" has the same emphasis as the primary call to action. Also, clicking the button takes users away from the page; you can clarify that with an icon next to the text.

Section: How we work

Tripledesign section: how we work

Not sure what the introductory sentence means "we didn't invent a whole new concept, just design". It reads like, Tripledesign is claiming to have invented design.

I think this section is the weakest section of the page. For a design agency, I'd expect a bit more finesse with the design for this section. Adding some cards or separation between each feature/benefit would improve the look and feel of this section.

Section: Why you should work with us

Tripledesign section: why you should work with us

Like the previous section, the lack of design raises alarm bells for potential buyers. It doesn't add credibility to Tripledesign as a design agency. I expect high-fidelity designs from an agency charging $2,500/month. Tripledesign has a catalogue of some fantastic work, but the landing page of your agency is the biggest showcase of your work.

Section: Pricing

Tripledesign section: pricing

This section is well-designed and looks great. It clearly states the price and the features you get. Letting users know they can cancel or pause at any time builds trust.

I would improve this section by removing the "🚀 Monthly" title. It isn't required as your pricing states it's monthly. I would also consider using price anchoring and including other pricing plans. You can go with a 2-tier plan - current plan and a more expensive plan. Or the typical 3-tier plan - cheap intro plan, current plan, more expensive plan.

I would also improve the section by changing the CTA text from "Get started" to "Book a call" or something similar, as that's the action that happens when clicking the button.

Section: FAQ

Tripledesign section: FAQ

This section is excellent at handling any objections that users might have.

Section: Final CTA

Tripledesign section: final CTA

This section is good. I think the language used could be more focussed on describing the benefits of your service. For example, "Never worry about design again. We'll take that stress for you". Similar feedback as before regarding the CTA text, book now rather than get started.


Some other things I would add to improve this page would be adding social proof. Given the price point, it's vital to include evidence of other people using the service. I would have a rating star score under the subheadline. I would also add the logos of the companies Tripledesign have worked with just underneath the above-the-fold section.

As mentioned before, I think a pop of colour here, and there would help make the page memorable. While I noticed the monochromatic style in the 5-second test, I won't remember it long term. As a design agency, I would expect cool animations, excellent use of colour, something I/my team couldn't do ourselves.

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