Drive more conversions

Learn to convert your traffic into revenue

Ready to boost conversions? Learn how to create high-converting landing pages that not only captivate your audience, but also seamlessly guide them towards becoming customers

image of Mocked up landing page annotated with improvements to be made

The power of landing pages

Learn to create effective landing pages

Generate more revenue

Watch your income grow with conversion-focused landing pages

Maximise your ROI

Stretch every marketing dollar by ensuring that your ad campaigns lead to landing pages optimised for conversions

Stand out from the crowed

Persuasive design and copywriting that resonate with your target audience will set you apart from your competition

What's our approach

How it works

In this course, I'll send you 1 landing page a day for 10 week days. You'll follow the 3 steps and by the end of it, you'll be an expert in landing pages.


Learn from the best

Read a comprehensive breakdown of a landing page. Understand how each element on the page is working in harmony to drive conversions


Copy the best

Copy the landing page, pixel for pixel using whatever you like; Figma, Code or pen & paper


Practice what you've learned

Reinforce your learning by recreating your own landing page using a custom brief. Practice makes perfect

Learn by copying

Master landing page design by copying the best

Fast-track your learning

Hands-on practical experience, will save your years of trial and error

Build your intuition

Learn to get a feel for landing pages, understand what works and why

Easy way to learn

Beginner musicians don't start off by composing; they start by imitating. So why not do the same with landing pages?

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this course different from other courses?

Isn't copying frowned upon?

How much time will it take?

Will this have a guaranteed impact on my landing page?

How will this course help my business?

Who is this product for?

Lets turn that traffic into revenue

One time fee


  • See results within 10 days

  • Create high-converting landing pages

  • Turn traffic into revenue